001 Opening the Door to Diversity NORTH
Living together fosters ties between people,
opening the door to diversity

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RYOZANPARK's owner,Noritaka Takezawa
Noritaka Takezawa

RYOZAN PARK Sugamo is a share house and office. Laughter, tears and sweat are all shared, creating strong bonds that enrich the lives of every resident.

A place where ambitious people from around the world gather and inspire each other to reach new heights

RYOZAN PARK Sugamo was opened in 2012. Its name comes from the word ryozanpaku, a gathering of ambitious people that was first written about in the classical Chinese novel Water Margin. This "ryozanpaku" has a diverse mix of professions including design, medicine, law, journalism and NPO work. Over 150 people from over 15 different countries have lived here to date. This diverse bunch all have one thing in common: ambition.

"This is a gathering of young people who have a vision for Japan's future, whether they're from Japan or overseas", says owner Noritaka Takezawa. "Whenever a prospective new resident comes to view the house, I make sure I am there. I tell them my view and then ask them 'What is your dream?'" Residents talk about their day-to-day life meetings. Parties happen spontaneously, and it's commonplace to see residents sharing their dreams. They sweat it out together in a fall sports event and see in the New Year together with a traditional osechi meal. Former residents and the Takezawas are all part of the family. By living together, sharing their ups and downs and inspiring each other, the residents gain ideas for new businesses and steps to take in life. When residents leave, it is often only because they are moving overseas or getting married. It is not uncommon for residents to marry each other.

"Past residents are always coming back to visit their old family at RYOZAN PARK", says Mr. Takezawa. "I'm not just a landlord or a building manager; I share in the joy and lives of everyone who lives here. No matter how old I get, you'll still find me drinking with the residents and being by their side as they make their mark on the world."

1) The walls of the building feature murals by artists from around the world.
2) A private area of the share house.
3) The residents-only living room. Residents can use the core working space on the 6th floor of RYOZAN PARK Otsuka for free.

Floor Information

There are 41 rooms in the share house. The share house also has private offices and a shared office with cubicles. The third floor of the share house and shared office are for women only. Common areas are cleaned five days a week.


Address: 1-9-1 Sugamo, Toyoshima Ward, Tokyo
Phone 03-6912-0304
Rate: Share house: ¥75,000-¥108,000 (¥15,000 for common service expenses, ¥5,000 security deposit and key money ¥50,000 + one month's common service expenses)/Private office: ¥55,000-¥125,000 (security deposit of two months' rent)/Cubicle in open office: ¥30,000-¥35,000 (security deposit of two months' rent)/Gym: ¥5,000 (free for residents)
Inquiries: sugamo@ryozanpark.jp

Profile of RYOZANPARK's owner,
Noritaka Takezawa

Noritaka Takezawa

After graduating from university, Mr. Takezawa studied for a postgraduate degree at American University in Washington DC, which led to a job as a reporter for a local newspaper.
When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, Mr. Takezawa returned home.
He opened RYOZAN PARK Sugamo in 2012 and Ryozan Park Otsuka in 2014.

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